2000 Drone Scripted Flight Overrides

Title, Crioner Co.  2000. Drone Scripted Flight Overrides © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised flight control by software and other known flying objects, to render flight path and contr..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1999 Drone Scripted Flight receiver

Title, Crioner Co.  1999. Drone Scripted Flight receiver © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised flight control by software and other known flying objects, to render flight path and contro..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1998 Drone Scripted Flight Controller Operator

Title, Crioner Co.  1998. Drone Scripted Flight controller operator © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised flight control by software and other known flying objects, to render flight path..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1997 International Blockchain

Title, Crioner Co.  1997. International American Dollar Blockchain © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised blockchain inference numbered points of a value, is a revised proper Internet Loa..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1996 Encrypted Government Security Number for Citizens

Title, Crioner Co.  1996. Encrypted Government Security Number for Citizens © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised ssn inference numbered points of a value, is a revised proper access Num..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

Woodworking 55

Woodworking 2025-2 by Christopher g Brown..

$2,400.00 $2,000.00

1995 Processor Access Code Fractions

Title, Crioner Co.  1995. Processor Access Code Fractions © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised Processor inference numbered points of a value, is a revised proper access Number generate..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

Woodworking 54

Woodworking 2025-2 by Christopher g Brown..

$2,400.00 $2,000.00

1991 American Dollar Blockchain

Title, Crioner Co.  1991. American Dollar Blockchain © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised blockchain inference numbered points of a value, is a revised proper Internet Loan Number gener..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1993 American Law Archive

Title, Crioner Co.  1993. American Law Archive © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Revised Historical Library of intent to record the ruled and unruled out come of any such case of ruling in a..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1992 American Information Rights

Title, Crioner Co.  1992. American Information Rights © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A Method of any PAST DATA, PRESENT DATA, or FUTURE DATA transcribed to another source legally permissi..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

1994 Ai Endangerments

Title, Crioner Co.  1994. Ai Endangerments © 2025 Chris Brown SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The wherein law that says that, “artificial intelligence {software personification, machine personification} shal..

$58,800.00 $49,000.00

In a complex world, I dropped the prices.

if you can't see it and the price is not right? Let me make it more suitable for you. I'm an easy guy to get along with but, nothing means sales if you have show time wrong.
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(593) conductors (214) configuration (229) conjoined (66) connection (1209) constant (67) consumer (89) content (109) context (65) continue (77) control (1136) converter (91) cooled (148) copy (157) core (182) correction (85) cost (117) country (101) cpu (464) crash (80) create (225) createspace (213) creative (120) crime (64) crystal (80) cube (95) cubit (460) cure (228) current (257) curve (75) cut (67) cycle (341) dangerous (140) data (3305) database (76) defends (63) defense (82) defined (65) definition (102) demand (90) density (101) deposits (97) design (384) device (778) diamond (88) different (449) diffused (116) digital (244) dimension (138) dimensional (126) direction (536) disc (229) disease (147) disk (80) display (144) distress (65) divided (155) dna (255) docking (66) document (205) doors (96) doping (99) double (117) drive (402) driven (320) drone (746) drug (73) dual (94) due (73) duplicate (78) dynamic (100) easy (105) edition (103) educational (92) effect (141) efficiency (77) elaborate (82) electra (78) electricity (706) electro (89) electronic (262) elements (251) email (88) embedded (364) emergency (70) en (84) encode (77) encrypted (586) end (248) energy (1376) engine (634) entire (79) environment (194) equal (170) equation (258) essentially (113) estimate (183) ethernet (70) example (316) exchange (372) exciter (95) exhaust (117) existing (94) expand (155) expected (74) expensive (67) experience (71) extended (90) exterior (73) extreme (90) fact (76) factor (114) fall (75) fast (80) faster (117) fee (70) fiber (322) field (66) fight (98) file (177) filters (79) finds (68) fine (122) fit (115) fixed (74) flash (376) flight (121) focus (286) focused (300) folder (70) force (260) form (601) format (390) formula (121) foundation (70) fractal (179) fractional (112) free (330) freedom (89) frequency (82) friendly (100) fuel (452) function (644) fuse (86) future (137) gadgets (63) gain (84) game (123) gas (276) gasoline (72) generate (800) give (93) given (219) glass (97) global (198) gold (106) government (290) gps (134) gpu (123) grade (64) graphic (103) greater (77) green (79) grid (308) ground (126) group (332) hand (82) happen (116) hard (303) hardware (585) health (86) heat (84) height (87) help (392) higher (139) highway (71) history (89) hold (368) home (185) hope (85) horizontal (193) human (92) hybrid (183) hyper (164) idea (67) ignition (108) image (132) imagine (95) immune (69) important (391) improve (264) inch (107) incineration (84) including (389) incorporated (294) increase (80) increments (81) independent (218) industry (96) infinite (155) infinity (70) information (651) infrared (71) initiates (69) injector (71) input (252) insert (70) install (64) instance (64) instead (140) instructions (335) insulated (241) insulin (73) integrated (93) intellectual (96) intelligence (284) intent (695) interest (132) interface (127) international (90) internet (452) invent (385) ion (187) ip (100) isolated (92) issue (245) jet (128) job (94) keep (159) key (79) kill (164) known (362) laboratory (72) lactates (63) land (154) lanes (118) language (338) large (384) larger (100) laser (765) law (163) layers (897) lead (64) learning (361) led (161) legal (165) lens (137) level (469) library (247) life (182) light (564) line (255) linking (401) liquid (130) live (63) local (278) location (285) lock (80) looped (122) machine (221) magnetic (551) magnified (201) maker (65) making (408) management (221) manner (89) manufacturer (129) marijuana (75) market (216) mass (117) materials (115) math (71) matter (191) means (601) measure (713) mechanical (93) media (189) medical (156) medicine (123) medium (105) memory (409) metal (358) method (490) micro (288) microwave (203) military (78) mind (99) mini (264) mining (87) mirror (122) mission (114) mixed (67) mobile (175) modern (70) modified (139) modular (134) module (140) moment (106) monetary (98) motherboard (68) motion (177) motors (271) movement (94) multi (221) multiple (888) multiplied (359) multitude (89) myriad (146) na (91) name (137) nano (617) national (89) natural (140) navigation (333) needed (193) negative (271) negotiation (80) network (627) noise (65) non (566) note (110) nuclear (143) nucleotide (150) number (499) object (322) ocr (98) office (120) open (381) operating (1644) opposed (166) optical (1205) options (205) order (122) organization (179) origin (137) os (245) outcome (65) ownership (150) oxide (177) packet (281) page (201) paid (303) parallel (136) particle (97) parts (427) path (418) patients (77) patterns (106) pcie (125) pending (138) people (270) per (444) performance (379) period (73) personal (257) perspective (117) phone (603) photo (272) physics (133) pi (392) pico (201) pilot (122) places (81) planned (150) plasma (133) plastic (116) platform (531) play (246) please (68) plug (231) point (603) police (110) political (82) poly (226) popular (99) portable (87) ports (257) positive (299) possible (162) post (129) powder (63) power (563) practice (86) pre (419) predictive (117) prefix (75) prepared (111) prevent (65) previously (99) printed (1570) printer (168) private (215) probability (114) problems (117) processing (2089) processor (702) product (187) profit (125) program (384) programmable (129) progress (73) project (73) propel (72) proper (120) property (413) propulsion (99) protect (184) protein (71) protocol (155) provides (237) public (178) publishing (309) pulse (103) purified (78) purpose (201) question (165) radio (279) raid (220) rail (64) ram (97) range (111) rate (124) rather (87) ratio (69) ration (66) reaction (143) reactive (95) reading (190) real (398) reality (70) really (75) reason (88) receiver (473) rechargeable (67) records (277) recovery (67) recycle (499) red (62) reference (113) reflective (388) registration (84) registry (86) related (288) remote (111) repeating (142) replaceable (174) report (134) request (70) research (71) resolution (138) result (91) retro (232) return (79) reverse (132) rewriteable (64) rights (208) robotic (126) room (89) rotation (63) router (144) routing (194) rules (165) safe (148) safety (88) sale (174) sata (66) satellite (879) save (103) scale (358) scenarios (164) scheme (71) school (138) science (121) script (322) sd (174) search (428) secondary (147) secure (778) seed (66) seek (84) selects (95) self (153) sell (106) semi (93) send (425) sense (166) sensitive (85) separated (237) sequence (157) serial (113) series (141) server (1106) service (923) shape (507) share (245) sheet (71) shell (93) ship (148) shoe (121) short (169) sided (75) signal (1263) silica (107) similar (229) simple (368) single (191) situation (202) size (356) small (319) smaller (152) smart (350) socket (286) sodium (135) software (2187) solar (397) soldering (97) solid (437) solution (330) solvent (185) something (114) sort (148) sos (135) source (320) space (192) specific (421) specified (313) speed (144) sphere (184) spiral (86) square (118) stacking (407) stand (67) standard (82) starch (149) start (201) state (1076) station (237) statistical (124) status (99) stem (66) stencil (170) step (156) stilts (66) stop (100) storage (224) store (159) study (276) sub (110) submitted (312) subtractively (90) success (76) sum (187) super (237) support (87) switch (223) sync (71) synthetic (362) system (1959) tablet (104) taking (72) tap (66) target (133) task (74) tax (107) technology (589) terms (259) testing (179) text (74) theory (97) thermal (78) things (550) think (146) thought (102) threading (325) times (148) today (76) together (206) topic (138) torque (161) tower (200) tr (63) tracking (116) tractor (63) trade (128) traffic (125) trailers (63) transfer (130) transforms (157) transistor (201) transition (96) translation (446) transmission (66) transparent (85) transports (67) travel (193) triplet (166) trucks (102) true (103) tunnel (160) turbine (63) turbo (73) turn (153) type (77) ultra (69) un (800) understand (234) unique (133) unit (448) universal (100) update (191) upgrade (82) usb (193) used (395) user (256) utility (100) uxe (118) vacuum (70) value (152) vapor (364) vector (337) verses (361) vertical (414) virtual (445) virus (179) voice (68) voxel (82) wall (156) war (770) waste (90) watch (130) water (242) wave (331) weapons (96) web (413) weight (159) white (78) whole (151) wifi (216) wikipedia (96) wind (70) windows (110) wins (63) wire (75) wireless (652) work (1079) world (140) worth (65) write (308) written (411) wrong (68) zone (100) zoom (65)
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